The future of tech: a symphony of devices

Close your eyes and imagine it’s the year 2035. You’re working on a new and exciting project. You gathered information and conducted interviews with experts in your topic. You start a draft with some informal notes. You play some music to set the mood, and get to write your first paragraph. But what device did you picture using in this creative process?

Apple would probably envision a world where you are using their Vision Pro X, commemorating ten years since the release of their 1st generation product. Perhaps it’s paired with a sleek Magic Keyboard, a nod to the limitations of virtual keyboards. But this future raises a crucial question: are these devices truly the best fit for every task?

As I wrote a few years back when talking about the stagnant phone industry, Apple’s genius lies in taking established technologies and making them user-friendly. They democratized smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. The Vision Pro X is no different, pushing the boundaries of AR towards a more integrated future. 

However, its eventual success won’t overshadow the need for specialized tools: a writer will likely still crave the satisfying click-clack of a physical keyboard, while a photographer will prioritize a versatile camera. The ideal device is task-specific.

The tech world is obsessed with finding the next revolutionary form factor. Just in the last month, two startup companies introduced a new product segment: personal AI devices. Humane AI released its long-awaited Ai Pin, and Rabbit released its quirky r1.

These devices aim to be your all-knowing companion, replacing your smartphone. The idea is seductive: a tireless assistant, anticipating your needs and flawlessly executing tasks on your behalf.

The reality is less glamorous. Current AI technology simply can’t compete with the speed and reliability of a smartphone. AI assistants are prone to hallucination errors and lack the contextual understanding needed to handle complex tasks, especially financial ones.

Does this mean the future of consumer tech is hopeless? Not at all! Smartphones are here to stay, so any other devices that we carry will need to amplify them, not replace them. Here’s where companion devices like the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses shine.

These lightweight, everyday glasses seamlessly integrate with your smartphone. They offer music, capture memories, and provide a discreet AI assistant that enhances your perception of the world around you. If they can do all that today, what will they do ten years from now?

A demo of AI on the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses

Imagine 2035 again: your smartphone remains your trusty companion. AI-powered glasses, offering a touch of AR, are everywhere. These AR glasses provide immersive experiences that free you from your phone. Laptops, tablets, smartwatches and earbuds all connect seamlessly to your AI companion, a digital maestro conducting this technological orchestra. This AI will be a true extension of yourself, deeply familiar with your preferences and past interactions.

The future of consumer tech might not be a flashy revolution, but a harmonious collaboration between specialized tools. And that’s a future I’m excited about.

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One thought on “The future of tech: a symphony of devices

  1. Ivan

    It is very motivating the way and speed expertise is developing. May or not these devices will do it? We will know in a shot time. But anyhow thank you for showing us your point of view and expertise!



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